Welcome to my blog!


hi 👋 My name is David and this is my blog. I'm a software engineer and I love to code and read and ride my bike.

This blog is written in a combination of common lisp using the caveman2 web framework and vanilla JavaScript.

Now you might ask: "But David, why not use ReactJS/NextJS/SvelteKit/{insert the latest front end craze}???"

Well, that's just simply too basic for my taste. That's like asking me why I don't just go to Starbucks everyday instead of the local fair trade coffeeshop.

Don't get me wrong - I totally go to Starbucks every now and then. But it's not the style that I want to present to the world.

As far as lisp is concerned, I just love it and think it's cool. That's pretty much it. Also I don't really know it too well so I thought this would be a great project for learning.

These are my latest blog posts

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